My services
I give holistic care, of Reiki, of the shamanic healing and sound care, and training Montreal.
Each session is unique. Indeed, the different treatments offered can be used in the same session For treat the source of the problem and you help in your self healing.
Usui Reiki
Reiki is a energetic care through the laying on of hands. L'energy of Reiki is channeled by the hands of the practitioner and is directed towards the recipient, either himself or another person…
The session can be done in face-to-face as from a distance !
In person : 95$/session
From a distance : 35$/session or 90$/3 sessions
Shamanic care
It is care that brings together several practices and the practitioner works with all its Allies with the aim of being atlistening to the soul of the patient and undo energy blockages.
Sound care
Sound healing is therapy using sound frequencies, the sound, for detect And to correct THE distortions and the imbalances in the aura, the energy field, which surrounds the human body.
These treatments facilitateself healing.
What is holistic medicine?
You probably know holistic medicine under the name of natural medicine, medicine alternative, medicine gentle…Holistic medicine brings together therapies with a global approach to treat the patient so that he regains well-being. Using different existing methods, it treats the wholeness of the human being going treat the source of the problem, and not, the apparent symptoms. So, all levels of the human being are treated so that they are balanced: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, environmental, sociocultural. Indeed, according to holistic medicine, the body and the mind are in interaction and if they are in harmony, the human being will be too.
The different practices, holistic medicine therapies
There holistic medicine brings together a large number of practices, alternative therapies. Some of these are part of ancient traditions. We find there the herbal medicine, L'acupuncture and the ayurvedic medicine. Since the 1800s, others holistic medicines appeared : L'hypnosis, L'osteopathy, L'homeopathy, there naturopathy, L'oligotherapy, there sophrology…
Butterfly Medicine offers holistic therapies. More specifically, I offer you Reiki treatments, of the shamanic healing, THE sound care, and more in the future!
The difference with conventional medicine:
There exists the conventional medicine, allopathic medicine, and the unconventional medicine, holistic medicine.
Medicine alternative supports people with the goal of regaining their overall well-being, their alignment with themselves, either at the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, environmental, sociocultural levels. Using different existing methods, it treats the wholeness of the human being going treat the source of the problem, and not, the apparent symptoms.
Francis Bacon said: A healthy body is a good home for the soul; a sick body is its prison (Of dignitate and augmentis scientiarum). The opposite is also true: a physical ailment can have an emotional origin.
Also, holistic medicine has a approach instead preventive, that is to say she seeks prevent the appearance of certain disorders, to act before the person becomes ill, observing different levels, such as emotions.
What can holistic medicine treat?
Holistic medicine can treat and alleviate various disorders. Here are some examples :
Troubles | Origins |
Personalized treatment
Since holistic medicine treats wholeness of the human being going treat the source of the problem, and not, the apparent symptoms, the treatment will be different for everyone : it will be personalized. Each person is unique.
Effectively, depending on the source of the disorder, the plans to be harmonized, whether physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, environmental, sociocultural, different methods can be determined and used in order to best support a person.
No energy treatment can replace conventional medicine and it is your responsibility to continue your treatments and medical follow-ups with your attending physician.