How to succeed in choosing yourself in 4 steps

Personal development, Energy care

Choose yourself

It is not no more need to fill your bag with heavy stones that weigh you down, to carry the world on your shoulders. It's not not your role to be the savior.

It's time you thought about yourself.

We have grew up in a company that taught us that we had to help, see saving, others to the detriment of oneself, his mental and physical health. That's what it means to be a good person who is not self-centered. You can “always” make it A little moreIt doesn't hurt. It will be better for others

By hearing these speeches, we internalize them. We internalize that it is beneficial to sacrifice ourselves for others.

What does it meaninternalization of the norm?

This means that we have “integrated [there standard social] to our] own system of values» (Kelman, 1958) and that we let's show so the behavior where the judgement longed for in our actions and words.

Why do we internalize norms?

Wanting avoid to be rejected, to be in non-conformity, we let's feel obliged to behave like the norm in question. We come to find legitimate to act like this, forget yourself, because there is a pressure to integrate this standard. Also, as it is an integral part of our value system, following it provides us with personal satisfaction.

That's enough.

That time is over.

It's time to understand that this only leads to your downfall.

Step 1 : Deciding to choose yourself

These are the diagrams that I internalized, like you. Unfortunately, I only really Understood all of this When my body couldn't take it anymore, that I reached the bottom of the bottom. It was not necessary to go that far, but we always push the machine further, despite the warning signals.

Après m’être choisi and in deconstructing these patterns, I succeeded has let go of my stones, my wounds, my traumas, to reach again inner peace And my inner power. This allowed me to truly choose myself every day in all my actions and words.

The process of choosing yourself

2nd step : Deconstruct the patterns

THE healing process brings us to deconstruct a lot of diagrams and D'habits that we had built to protect us.

How ?

En mettant la priorité sur votre guérison, c’est-à-dire en prenant du temps pour vous et faire des introspections. En vivant dans l’instant présent, vous allez arrêter de fuir vos émotions et ainsi leurs faire face.

Step 3 : Reconnect with your true personality

By getting rid of your habits and internalized patterns, you will realize what they were doing part of your life for a long time. You will even realize that you thought that they were part of your personality, your identity.

Step 4 : Be aligned

Deconstructing them leads you to to go out of your comfort zone, because you change your habits ! It can be very destabilizing.

In effect, you are putting yourself forward. YOU act, you stop suffering. YOU dare talk. You make your own choice.

During difficult times, of doubts, it is necessary remember that you are on the path to your true nature : your being being in harmony, in peace, aligned

Okay, but how to do it? I can't do it.

Easier said than done, you might say. I understand you, I've been there too.


Clearly establish why you want to choose yourself.

It's the central point and essential.

This is an important point, because everything else will depend on it. If you don't know why you are doing this, you will not have the motivation to get out of your comfort zone, make an effort to deconstruct your internalized patterns and regain your inner power, assert yourself, regain your place.

When you have more difficult times, that you doubt of the importance of considering yourself before others, it will be necessary return to the reasons why you decided to choose yourself. This will get you back on track.


Se rappler vos motifs

You have established why you want to choose yourself, but you you still find yourself in situations where you let yourself be crushed by others

Is this your motivation who is the problem? Do you really want to choose yourself? Do you really believe you are worth it?

Maybe you miss more constancy. That is normal at first, because you are in the process healing and reclaiming your inner power. Continue ! You will get there !


Clearly establish why you want to choose yourself.

Avoir recours à l’aide peut être nécessaire et c’est normal.
Parfois, certaines choses peuvent nous aider à prendre soin de nous, comme les Sac magiques aux fleurs, THE Thés de bain. Ce sont des outils pour nous aider à nous recentrer et prendre soin de nous en étant dans le moment présent.

Are you ready to finally choose yourself and rediscover your well-being, your full potential?

Let me know what you think and write me your questions in the comments below.

This will give me the greatest pleasure.

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